Joseph A. Cotruvo, PhD, BCES, is president of Joseph Cotruvo & Associates, an environmental and public health consulting firm and is an Adjunct Research Professor for the University of Toledo. He was Director of EPA’s Drinking Water Standards Division and Risk Assessment Division in the Chemical Toxic Program. His division developed national drinking water regulations and health risk assessments for microbes, chemicals, radionuclides, disinfection byproducts, surface water, and proposed lead and copper corrosion control rules. This division initiated EPA’s Drinking Water Health Advisory Program, which was added to the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Cotruvo received the AAEES Science Award in 2019 from the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, and the Walter F. Snider Award in 2020 from the National Environmental Health Association and NSF International. He has a BS in Chemistry from the University of Toledo and a PhD in Physical Organic Chemistry from the Ohio State University, and post-doctoral research at the University of Bologna on a fellowship with the Italian National Research Council.